A free online course in wooden boat construction via Classic Boat ‘For anyone who wishes to increase their knowledge of wooden boat construction, this completely free of charge on-line course in the shipwright’s traditional trade will raise their awareness. There are no prerequisites to participate since the lessons are only intended as preparation to the professional title of shipwright. Lessons will be held on-line, twice a week from 5pm to 7pm, for a total of 21 ½ hours of lessons. The course is promoted by the Monfalcone Municipality in partnership with the Framesport Interreg Italia-Croazia project and in collaboration with the Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico of Pordenone and the Cantiere Alto Adriatico Custom of Monfalcone. Deadline for registration is November 2nd, 2022.‘ Share this:FacebookPinterestTwitterTumblrEmailRedditPocketPrint Related
How do I sign up? What if I can’t attend all classes due to
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