Does anyone know the story of Falmouth Quay punt Venti?

Archie Mackenzie-Baldursson has written to say that he and his his friend Andrew Greatrix have acquired the Falmouth quay punt Falmouth Venti and are very much looking forward to the restoration project that lies ahead.
as a restoration project that they are very much looking forward to doing.

Her hull is 24′ in length and as well as her name bears the word ‘London’ on her stern. 

Archie and Andrew are looking for information on this boat, including when and where she was built and and any history that might be available.

I’ll let Archie take up the story:

‘The seller indicated that Venti might be from before 1910, Archie reports.

‘We’ve been were pleasantly surprised to see that the hull and structure had no rot, and was dry and sound. It will take a few months but we are sure we will have a beautiful boat when finished.

‘My friend Andy is a shipwright who has rebuilt and refurbished some 18 yachts, many of them wooden, while I am a woodworker and have recently restored a Sabre 27 from a sad state. She’s in the water now and beautiful.
I will keep you up to date on the restoration.

‘Cheers, Archie.’

If you can help with information, please send it to me at, and I’ll forward it to Archie.

One thought on “Does anyone know the story of Falmouth Quay punt Venti?”

  1. I very much like the look of Venti, there were a few older boats similar to that in Tasmania, but nothing quite like her. Unfortunately from Aus. I cannot offer much but encouragement and look forward to following the project
    Jeff Cole

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