The Faversham Creek Trust and local boatbuilder Alan Thorne (see his ad in the left-hand column) are raising funds for a project they’re calling Boat Camp – the idea is to get ten or so youngsters from Faversham’s Abbey School into a workshop for a fortnight this summer to build a couple of legendary New Zealand designer John Welsford’s lovely Joansa skiffs.
The project will be based in the FCT’s Purifier building by the Creek.
Alan has set up a Givey site for donations. The FCT is looking for funding for this from lots of sources including Givey
Another upcoming FCT event is the forthcoming Brents Dinner on the 2nd July. It’s a community fundraiser for the Brents Community Association, which is raising money for the Nautical Festival and for the cost of their planned open air gym. I’m told it was a great night last year, when it was held for the Swing the Bridge fund. Download this poster for details.
Fundraising for a Summer Boat Camp for ten 14-16 year olds from Abbey School, Faversham. Under supervised, expert instruction they will build two 15′ 6″ rowing boats (a ‘Joansa’ design – a lightweight skiff for two oarsmen plus one coxswain) in Faversham Creek Trust’s Purifier Building. The finished boats will then be kept by the school for use on Faversham Creek or elsewhere.