Things have not gone as Classic Boat 2013 personality of the year Giacomo de Stefano has hoped – and he’s looking for either a new owner for Jennie of Paglesham or a suitable collaborator. Drop me a line at and I’ll forward your message to Giacomo. (The photo above is not recent.)
A key point for him is that she should not be simply a leisure yacht, but that she should remain in Faversham, where she’s currently lying, and be used in efforts to encourage young people to sail.
I don’t know how practical that might be, but it seems obvious to me that the more people, including young people, use the Creek and the Swale and beyond, the more they will be appreciated and the stronger their protection.
Jennie is an interesting small cutter, and there is some intriguing mystery attached to her. Could she include timbers from the Beagle? Read about her here and here – and clock what Maurice Griffiths has to say about her here: The Other Man’s Boat.
Thank you very much Gavin for your help.
Hope to meet you soon in Faversham or wherever.
Be water my friend.
It’s a pleasure Giacomo!