Thames Classics Festival at St Katherine’s dock this weekend

Thames Classics festival

Alasdair Flint of historic London chandlery Arthur Beale & Co has been in touch to say that he’s setting up his stall for this year’s Thames Classics Festival, which is now in its fifth year at St Kat’s.

It runs from 11am-5pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Frankly, I’d forgotten about it, and can’t find anything in my email – so perhaps the word hasn’t got round this year. Still it looks like a jolly outing for anyone in town, an opportunity to look at and photograph some old boats, and perhaps to buy some nice bits and pieces from Alasdair…

If anyone does take some photos, please send them to me with a few notes about how the even when and I’ll be pleased to publish a brief report and to re-use them to publicise next year’s do – this year I’ve had to borrow a shot from the website, which I hope no-one minds. Thanks!

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