This arrived today, and its 48 drawings are wonderful. Read all about it and place your order, if you’re interested, at the Lodestar Books website.
The can’t better publisher’s blurb, which says: ‘Gloria Wilson has recorded, both afloat and ashore, the functional beauty of the fishing boat in both timber and steel—mainly of north-east Scotland (with a few craft from Yorkshire, where the artist now lives).’
Some of the vessels shown have subsequently been victims of fisheries legislation that demanded not just their decommissioning, but their destruction, and this book will be an especially interesting and poignant memory for those who knew them.
It’s therefore fitting that there’s a foreword by fishing boat and fisheries historian, and herring and kipper advocate ‘Kipperman’ Mike Smylie.
Gloria’s work is a worthy follower to that of Peter F Anson, wh recorded the transition from sail to pOwered fishing vessels and fisherfolk in Scotland and Brittany through the medium of pen-and-ink and watercolour. I’m lucky enough to have a couple of his books