My thanks to Chris Brady for this one – though it is old and I gather the Ena is again in need of work. Read about Ena here and here.
PS – Martin Phillips has sent news of Ena’s condition now – see it in the comments below.
This is rather out of date as she is now for sale but looks to be in poor condition and I am told that she has sunk recently by friends in Kent. Very sad. I saw this post and though maybe someone is saving her. Like Westmoreland another once beautiful sailing barge that will be lost without massive expenditure.
Fixed, I hope… Sorry to have misled you!
You’re absolutely right Martin: when I last saw her, last summer, she looked poor with, I thought, planking coming away under her stbd quarter
The programme was one of those Channel 4 fix its and was essentially a travesty of good workmanship.
The trouble is, as you are only too highly aware, make do and mend as my family did no longer works and a total rebuild is needed to save her … be better to build new…