Volta Mallorca – campaigner Giacomo de Stefano to circumnavigate Mallorca by llaut

Volta Mallorca is a campaigning circumnavigation of Mallorca in a beautiful engineless traditional wooden llaut, Nova Catalina, by tireless campaigner Giacomo die Stefano and friends.

They aim to raise awareness about water-related issues, and to learn about and share the potential for sustainable projects.

Giacomo and his pals set off on their sail- and oar-powered expedition on the 27th; in the meantime, here are some photos from a trial sail last year.

2 thoughts on “Volta Mallorca – campaigner Giacomo de Stefano to circumnavigate Mallorca by llaut”

  1. Thank you very much for this post Gavin. I hope to enjoy your presence and your voice aboard. One day it will happen finally. Such a short meeting in faversham. And what a joy that evening at the Shpwright’s Arms in Oare Creek… Hugs from the hottest sun I’ve ever experienced.

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