Do we want the quaintly named Bugsby’s Reach to become Waterman’s Reach?

Is this what we want? I’ve nothing against watermen, but isn’t Bugsby’s Reach a curious, quaint and harmless survival that we should try to keep in an increasingly dull and grey age, and at a time when we’re slowly losing ancient sea marks?

Have your say on the PLA’s consultation.

4 thoughts on “Do we want the quaintly named Bugsby’s Reach to become Waterman’s Reach?”

    1. That’s what I think. Instead, why not give the watermen a nice sculptural monument with some educational stuff explaining who they are, give them another celebratory event, lets have them re-enacting working as ferrymen, or singing songs about ferrying (there’s at least one I know of).

  1. Doesn’t this just typify the age we live in? Another little bit of old England vanishes for no good reason!

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