Apparently the BBC suspects we no longer need its famous Shipping Forecast and is running a survey to gather evidence on whether we think it’s important.
My view is that the Shipping Forecast is essential – we can’t rely on mobile phone networks, which in my experience often break down or stop transmitting or receiving data for periods, particularly in bad weather. And besides the equipment boat and shipping uses is also fallible – for example when the batteries are drained or when damp has done its work – and can’t ever be our only source of information.
It’s also a cultural icon that would be missed by many who never go to sea.
I’ve had my say. Have yours at the YBW website.
PS – And here’s something to make you a laugh. Les Barker’s version of the shipping forecast read by the BBC’s Brian Perkins. ? The Shipping Forecast BBC Radio 4’s Brian Perkins – Video Dailymotion. Thanks to Malcolm Woods for this one!