A great IBTC student boat builder’s weblog

Scantlings Weblog

I very much like IBTC student Philip Lane’s weblog – it shows a real pride in what he’s learning to do and what the college does, and boy does he adore the boats he works on.

And so he should. They have included a pretty little rowing boat planked in larch, an 1882 Camper & Nicholson yawl, and 1882 Camper and Nicholson pilot cutter, an Aldeburgh One-Design dinghy, a Herreshoff Columbia dinghy, a River Cam dinghy, and a 1912 William Fife III Six Metre, and the Albert Strange-designed Cloud.

Gosh… How will he ever be able to go back to normal life after an experience like that? Perhaps his weblog will cover that part too…

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