Sheet bend variations drawn by Percy Blandford
The Guildford branch of the International Guild of Knot Tyers has placed a long series of knot charts online including these from the drawing board of the legendary home-built boat and canoe designer Percy Blandford.
Many of them are useful around a boat, while others will be interesting and decorative – just the thing when you’re waiting for the tide.
I hadn’t noticed that Percy had been a leading knot-tyer as well as boat designer and author – but I can’t say I’m remotely surprised! For more posts about Percy Blandford, click here and follow the earlier posts links.
Hi Gavin,
I didn’t know of Percy’s tie-in with knotting either. Thanks for an item about Percy, and for the IGNT Surrey branch link. It appears there aren’t many loops in their knot chart listing. I did see that a fair number of the knot charts as listed are by Percy, including the brilliant and IMO under-used Zeppelin bend and I thought I’d pass on a recent innovation by the irrepressible Yrvind of developing that bend into a Zepplin loop Brilliant!