I hear demand for the first ever Spider T calendar has far outstripped expectations – but happily it is now again available after skipper Mal Nicholson had it reprinted.
The calendar, which will make a fine Christmas present for many people, is made up of photographs from the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant in London this summer – watched from the banks by 1.2 million people, it was the largest collection of historic vessels ever assembled on the river. Each participating boat was provided with a specially designed Diamond Jubilee ensign as a lasting souvenir.
Mal tells me that copies of the calendar have gone to the USA and Germany, among other countries, and UK visitors have been buying them four and six at a time.
The calendars are priced at £10.00 each plus postage and packaging, and all proceeds go towards the upkeep of Humber sloop Spider T herself. To buy one, contact Mal through the Spider T website – you will be able to make your payment through the site’s donations button.
On the subject of the Spider T and Humber sloops, here’s a nice story in the local paper and another from the BBC, and how about this cracking photo of a Humber sloop being loaded with horses.