Special offer: one-to-one tutoring from BBA instructor Justin Adkin for just £125/day


Traditional clinker Yachting World Dayboat build instructed by Justin Adkin, and a composite, wood fit-out sailing and rowing skiff designed and built by Justin. Click on the photos for a much bigger view

The Boat Building Academy is making an offer that’s unlikely to be repeated too often – one-to-one tuition with instructor Justin Adkin at the rate of £125.00 per day – the BBA’s usual charge for a short course.

The story is that Justin took a sabbatical to build an ocean rowing boat to be rowed through the North West Passage in one season. However, at the last moment the funding fell through and so Justin has an unexpected gap in his diary.

Anyone who would like some personal coaching in traditional or modern wood or composite construction, repair or restoration can book from one to five days of private tuition with Justin at the Academy – to find out more, email office@boatbuildingacademy.com or ring 01297 445545.

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