Century old New Zealand mullet boat for sale

Niad New Zealand mullet boat for sale

Paul Mullings found this nicely restored sweet little New Zealand mullet boat for sale on an auction website. Made from kauri, it dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, has a centreboard and an overhauled Watermota engine with a feathering prop. The auction ends on the 26th, if you’re down there and in the market for something that’s a small but perfectly formed piece of sailing history…

Thanks Paul!

5 thoughts on “Century old New Zealand mullet boat for sale”

  1. I’m trying to find out what has happened to my Dad’s mullet boat I think she was 26th named Esma
    My Dad’s name was Tom Hollows from Whangarei he others including the Ronaki I hope you can help

    1. Hi Gillian esme was also owned in the 40s buy George Spink from warnock street foe sum years , I his son also owned esme in the 2000 for three years , she has had a good rebuild and is up the wade river rig less and looking good for another hundred years I did an extensive search on her when I owned her , have many pics , the original flag seen on many photos , also tha mainsail and jib in storage as the owner now and I may rig her in time , hop this all helps grant Spink

  2. I owned the 18 ft Mullet Boat Reremai, built by Logan Bros.,
    Does anybody know of its whereabouts.
    Des W.

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