The developers planning to turn the Standard Quay area of Faversham into a yuppie flat and restaurant area seem to be gaining momentum with their project. We gather have given the traditional craftsmen of the area notice to quit.
It’s desperately sad to see such an important maritime centre ruined for the sake of the awesome but stupid god Mammon, but it’s heartening too that the opposition is also gathering strength, and this article published in The Guardian this week is an excellent example. I hope the developers and more particularly the Swale planning authority read this, realise what they’ve done and do something urgent to improve the long term position.
The issue has also been covered by the local TV station’s news team, as the The Quay website explains.
Read an earlier post to find out more about Standard Quay and the issues involved.
PS – One of the reasons why Standard Quay is important is that it is one of very few places where the skills and facilities exist to maintain Thames sailing barges. I’ve been asked to tell readers that there’s a new film in production about Thames sailing barges, and that a trailer can be viewed here. I’m sure I recognise Bob Roberts in it by the way, so it probably also features Cambria, which is arguably the most famous Thames sailing barge of all. And guess which barge is currently at Standard Quay for a major overhaul? Yes, it’s the Cambria…
I have said it before and I say it again, as soon as developer come in, any sense in boating is lost. What the have in mind is apetrification of Standard Quay. It will be just a live and soulless shell, where well off peple sip ther chilled wine in summer, buy some China-made maritime "antics" and then go home either in their car or powerboat with the good feeling to have visited an historic quay. Don't get me wrong, I don't envy anybody his chilled wine, I like it as well during summer (though I prefere cider) but the core of every quay is the work. I remember during my apprentenceship as boat builder in the port of Varel, germany, even in winter and no tourist around as soon as we had a roll out of a finished craft, be it fishing boat or a yacht, all over sudden there were lots of people hanging around and watching. That's the essence of what a port and a yard and a quay is about. And it will, seen on along hand, bring more money to communities than the development which leads to the point that one quay looks like the other.
Thanks Gav for the timely update.
As the council appears unable to see its wider significance, couldn't Standard Quay apply to English Heritage for designation as a working heritage site? English Heritage protects gardens, battlefields and wrecks. This would protect buildings, crafts and landscape. And it would not change it into a tourist honeypot in order to preserve it -like so often is the case.
Great photo in the Guardian.