Here’s a nice piece of old 8mm film of the training schooner Captain Scott, which was built at the Herd & McKenzie of Buckie, in 1972. At the time of its launch I gather this vessel was the largest of its type in the world. My thanks to Andrew Johnston for pointing it out to me.
I’m sorry but I can’t highlight this post with an image of the sailing ship herself – the owner of the film has forbidden it from being ’embedded’.
PS – There are comments in the comments link below about the Captain Scott, which is still sailing the world under a new name.
Fantastic – I was aboard her during 8th April to 5th May 1974, course 23, fresh from Australia, for me an absolute life changing experience, one that taught me perseverance, determination, discipline, and above all else , a hatred for being hosed down with freezing cold salt water. I read my diary every now and again, and the book – ‘On the Wind of a Dream’ -I was so honoured, and so unworthy to have received as best trainee on my course. Whatever happened to Pete Ullrich, Angus Barton, Jim Lavery and the First Mate – Mr Brown? I’m guessing Captain Clarke has probably passed away by now.
I stumbled across this link by accident so am unaware of the fate of the Captain Scott or her owner. I gather something tragic occurred, if that was the cause of the ship’s demise then I am saddend as it has robbed many more the oportunity of being aboard her and of learning some very valuable character building lessons. I also wonder what has happened to the ship’s log and other records – would make very interesting, and nostalgic reading. I shall make some enquiries in that respect and post any findings here. I wonder whether there would be any interest in a reunion of ex ships crew up in Scotland? I, for one, would be there.
Hi Digger! We travelled up together in the TVP contingent. I have a photo of you folding something or other on deck. It was one oft the few times you were on deck and not laid down with you head out the sluice hole throwing up! I remember one time the whole ships crew were searching for you. One or two wondered if you’d gone overboard! However, you were eventually found with head in said hole with your body out of sight beneath a life boat! Panic over!! You did get better at it as we went along. I hope you are well my old friend. Regards Colin Gibbard
Captain Scott is still sailing the world she is now called the Shabab Oman theres the whole history of her from the day she left Scotland till she went to Oman, Sadly the yard she came out where i served my time in Buckie was put into receivership last Month , Only memory we have of her now is the Model from the yard ,
Gordon, do you know what ever happened to that model?
I am looking for blueprints of the boat to have a model done. I was on her in 1978.
Model is in BUCKIE heritage museum , proudly on display.
There is a website regarding the museum, BUCKIE heritage , I would imagine there is plenty people there that could tell you more ,about the ship.
the old yard manager that built captain scott helps in the museum. Jim Farqhuar , he will point you in the right direction
Regards. Gordon Reid
Hi guys, Simon Taylor here.
I sailed on Captain Scott around 74/75. I’ve still got the map and route that we sailed. I’ll dig it out n post it. We sailed round from Kyle of Lochalsh to Buckie in November 197x. I think she was going back for some maintenance. They threw us off the boat at Cape Wrath and made us walk across for a couple days in a group of three boys and a leader, young army officer, also in training. Can’t remember his name….. High adventure for a teenager!! After that I joined the British Antarctic Survey and sailed an ice breaker, Bransfield, 6 weeks, from Southampton to Falklands before the war, and into the Antarctic Peninsular, for two years, as a meteorologist. Now looking for that final job before retirement in the oil industry n lots of adventures in between haha. Currently living in Perth, Western Australia.
hi Simon
came across your post as I was looking back to the late autumn of 1971 when, thanks to the Army, I was a temporary Captain Scott land instructor only 2 days in front you when it came to learning the ropes. My job at Cape Wrath (expedition 3, yes) was to camp out for a couple of days as an emergency location and ensuring the teams had passed through the check points before rejoining the ship in Loch Eriboll. What a life you trainee guys had! It seemed to me that you were torn between the prospect of three guaranteed meals for slaving on deck through your watch and the promise of no sea sickness by trekking the Scottish mountains onshore usually soaked through, surviving nights in a poorly pitched tent and having to cook for yourself. But how do you forget such an experience? If you want to relive it a bit more there is a film stored at the National Library of Scotland – try googling nls moving image Schooner Captain Scott. You seem to have followed up with an unusual and adventurist career. Good luck with the final job
Wow I was on this course aged 16 was in the army junior service and sent on this course in January 72 didnt half make you grow up fast .