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Slipper launch Wishbone, a Baby Greyhound model built by Andrews
in 1931 and restored in 2004 by Stewart Marine of Hart’s Boatyard.
For more on this boat see our earlier post
Today we have some more photos from the Sail, Power & Watersports Show at Earl’s Court – I gather the weather’s going to be foul this weekend, so I’d guess many people will be taking the opportunity to shirk gardening duties in favour of a few hours under Earl’s Court’s roof.
A striking mahogany runabout from Marine Classics
Whisp, built by the Slipway Coop folks
Adrian Noyes’ 10ft skiff – contact Adrian at craftsman.craft@btopenworld.com.
Sadly, I didn’t manage to get to speak to anyone one the Wooden Boatbuilding Trade
Association Stand, so have noto brought back any news
North Quay 19 from North Quay of Conyer, at http://www.northquaymarine.net
This Bay Raider from Swalllow Boats has splendid dining and
chart table arrangements
And, as a bonus – a plaque In commemoration of the grand opening of
Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West Show at Earl’s Court in 1887. It hasn’t got
much to do with boats, but it always makes me smile!