More photos from Jeff C provide an opportunity for detective work

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Jeff Cole’s barge yacht photo


Jeff Cole’s ferries photo Jeff Cole’s steam ship photo Jeff Cole’s gaff-rigged yacht and lighthouse photo


Jeff Cole’s second torpedo boat photo Jeff Cole’s first torpedo boat photo

Some more of Jeff’s photos present some further opportunities for interesting detective work, and include a large barge yacht, two ferries, a converted wooden wall ship with cut-down masts, a large gaff-rigged yacht passing a lighthouse, and a couple of motor torpedo boats.

They make an interesting challenge for a dull Wednesday morning. Can anyone shed any light on them? Jeff suggests that the torpedo boat enthusiasts might like to reference the torpedo boat section of the website, and that another section of the same site might reveal the identity of the wooden wall, which could well have been a training ship.

Thanks once again Jeff! To see some more photos from Jeff’s collection click here.

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One thought on “More photos from Jeff C provide an opportunity for detective work”

  1. I think the vessel in this picture is a West Country sailing barge. Will do some research if I get any time and let you know…


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