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Roach dried out for some work; dressed all over with flags; and her roomy interior
Today, I’d like to draw your attention to the weblog Roach’s Adventures, which is listed in the blogroll in the right-hand column of intheboatshed.net. Roach is a delightful little boat and her owner’s weblog is an entertaining personal collection of photos, anecdotes, information about the boat and, in recent weeks, early sailing adventures following the main part of her recent refit.
As always with this things, I can’t help being impressed by her owner’s willingness to take on a project that’s inevitably going to be difficult, expensive and time consuming, but I have no difficulty in understanding the satisfaction he must feel.
Weblogs can sometimes be a little difficult to navigate around so here are some entries that might interest many intheboatshed readers. The key to finding your way around this one, by the way, seems to be to click on items listed in monthly archive of entries in the right-hand column.
This archive entry includes a review of the Burnham sloop design:
This entry looks at the design again:
Work on her timbers, and some material about Roach’s sisters:
The launch!
Shakedown trip:
Unending woodwork:
First real trip: