The Isabella, seen at Henley-on-Thames. A deliciously pretty boat, I’m sure you’ll agree! Her owners must be proud.
My researches reveal little about Isabella, but I think she may be one of the boats called Isabella listed at Jim Shead’s pages.
If I’m right she’s listed as
ISABELLA Built by Xxxxxx in 1988 – Length: 29 feet 2 inches (8.90 metres) Beam: 5 feet 10 inches (1.80 metres). a Diesel Inboard engine with a power of 16HP. Registered with EA Thames Region number W1132 as a Non Hire Annual.
For more from Jim’s encyclopaedic website devoted to Britain’s inland waterways, click here.
While searching for information about Isabella, I once again came upon this collection of photos from the Thames Traditional Boat Rally. I’ve linked to it before, but it’s well worth revisiting many times. Don’t go in there unless you’ve got a thermos of hot coffee and some sandwiches – you may not come out for hours!
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