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This is how to have real fun – take a boat that can row AND sail to Finland and join a Raid!
Many of the other boats are traditional, the photos are very nice but take a look at the video clips because they’re even better. I bet they enjoyed their evening meals after after all that hard work!
Can't go on meeting like this but .. yep, been there, got the T-shirt, in 2003 with my David Moss canoe yawl Bunny. Here's my account of it:'s%20text1.htm
This is a really terrific event, brilliantly organised, but a bit expensive for Brits to get to with their own boat. We shipped ours from Harwich and flew out to meet her. But the answer is to hire a boat locally, which the Raid folk can arrange, or simply sign on as crew with someone else. you can find my RF account in the archives under 2003 at