Would you like to see your project here?

Forest & Stream skiff

Just about everyone who comes to these pages is some kind of boat nut, and I’m a boat nut too. I’d like to make this weblog as interesting and useful to us all as possible, and I want to fill it with news and photographs about:

•Projects about old boats, historic boats, traditionally-built boats, and traditionally-derived boats.

•Boating history and traditions.

•The skills involved, the craftsmen and the available training.

So, whether you own these kinds of boats, work on them, sell them, build them, paint or photograph them, write about their history, design them, run a club or organise events, or collect old songs and stories connected with them – if you would like to bring your projects to the attention of a wider public, email me now at gmatkin@gmail.com!

2 thoughts on “Would you like to see your project here?”

  1. Gavin,

    I've searched far and wide for good blogs on traditional wooden boats over the past year. Yours is easily the best I've seen. Of course, you should feel free to mention mine and your readers might be interested in my sister blog, svnautilus.blogspot.com.


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