An entertaining article about sailing canoe pioneer John MacGregor

[ad name=”intheboatshed-post”] ‘After taking on supplies at Gravesend, I shoved off into the tide, and lit a cigar, and now I felt we had fairly started,’ wrote philanthropist, barrister and pioneer of the Victorian canoeing craze, John MacGregor in his classic A thousand miles in the Rob Roy canoe. He seems to have been a … Continue reading “An entertaining article about sailing canoe pioneer John MacGregor”

Sean Hartman’s lashed skin on frame canoe

[ad name=”intheboatshed-post”] Sean Hartman’s skin on frame canoe Sean Hartman found plans for a skin on frame canoe (SOF canoe) taken from an old book some time ago. He writes: ‘I found these plans while researching your Cinderella canoe. They seem to have been taken from an old book entitled Canoes, Dinghies, and Punts: How … Continue reading “Sean Hartman’s lashed skin on frame canoe”

A new edition of Practical Boat Building for Amateurs from Ken Hanson

[ad name=”intheboatshed-post”] The Rob Roy canoe, from Practical Boat Building for Amateurs ‘To be able to build a boat well, and to his own ideas and plans, requires that the amateur should be both a designer and builder, which, in their turn require that he should be an efficient draughtsman and carpenter. No one can … Continue reading “A new edition of Practical Boat Building for Amateurs from Ken Hanson”