Win a berth on board Leila in the Tall Ships Race this summer

  A free berth for a youngster aged 15-25 years aboard the Victorian racing cutter Leila is up for grabs in this year’s Tall Ships Race, which takes place in the Baltic this summer. The Leila Sailing Trust has been helped in getting Leila through her last stages of MCA coding by the National Lottery, … Continue reading “Win a berth on board Leila in the Tall Ships Race this summer”

The Leila Sailing Trust appeals for a little more financial help

The magnificent restored Victorian gentleman’s sailing yacht Leila has her new transom and new stanchions required by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency’s requirements for guard rails. The windlass has been fitted, and down below the ballast is secured with a wooden lattice. The electrics are all in conduit and waterproof boxes, a bilge alarm has been … Continue reading “The Leila Sailing Trust appeals for a little more financial help”

Victorian racing cutter Leila receives a vicar’s blessing and the local community enjoys a party

   The local vicar blest the splendid Victorian gentleman’s racing cutter Leila this past weekend, and hard-working Leila Sailing Trust crew responsible for restoring her showed visitors round the boat in Southwold Harbour this weekend. I should say that the work has been carried out by Trust volunteers and local yard Harbour Marine Services, with funding support from the National Lottery. Naturally, … Continue reading “Victorian racing cutter Leila receives a vicar’s blessing and the local community enjoys a party”